The Wonders of Steroids

Thumbnail of the map 'The Wonders of Steroids'

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Author This_Suck
Tags author:this_suck n-reality nreality unrated
Created 2010-06-09
Last Modified 2010-06-09
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description N-Reality map that is much harder than it looks.

Other maps by this author

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Tot Brot Smiley Streptachochus n Zuni Star Trek


Pages: (0)

may, may not be max
Demo Data

kinda amusing

Demo Data

this is what happens when you are depraved of an xbox.
Demo Data

well im seeing it

super fast drones =P

This was hard?

first try
Demo Data


Not seeing it.
Demo Data


first try, in nreality. confused as to how this is hard :S
Demo Data