01-0 City to Mountainscape

Thumbnail of the map '01-0 City to Mountainscape'

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Author the_me
Tags action author:the_me garthel tileset unrated
Created 2010-06-09
Last Modified 2010-06-15
Rating 1 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description this took me while, that was a good thing because today i am sick and i didnt have much to do.

i havent made a map for the series for a while.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '00-1 entering heaven' Thumbnail of the map '00-2 dead end to heaven' Thumbnail of the map '00-3 new way to heaven' Thumbnail of the map '00-4 all heavens' Thumbnail of the map 'DED to a map' Thumbnail of the map '53 Walljumps'
00-1 entering heaven 00-2 dead end to heaven 00-3 new way to heaven 00-4 all heavens DED to a map 53 Walljumps


Pages: (0)

Well, not ambiguous

but I couldn't understand what you meant.
Second, what did you mean when you commented
"nice mapnreality demo sent" on my map? []

Seems kinda ambiguous to me..
Agree with Eagle. 4aved for tiles.


this time tere usually is nothing going on on numa and i expect time for coments to occur.

Couldn't let

this map go to waste. It looks and plays very well. I like the style and the effect. A little spammy, but I won't deduct cuz i have a fast computer and I dont care about that :) It looks and plays marvelously I give it a 5 :) Heres my completion :)
Demo Data