Museum's Peril

Thumbnail of the map 'Museum's Peril'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author jslimb
Tags author:jslimb muse rated
Created 2010-06-06
Last Modified 2010-06-06
by 12 people.
Map Data

Description When you're careless, the museum will turn out to be a perilous place... Second Muse map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sunday Town' Thumbnail of the map '200000 Claws' Thumbnail of the map 'Vertical Vision' Thumbnail of the map 'Zephyrean Mine' Thumbnail of the map 'KleverBoxes' Thumbnail of the map 'Underground Train'
Sunday Town 200000 Claws Vertical Vision Zephyrean Mine KleverBoxes Underground Train


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hey hey hey

lets geeeeeeet back here.
this is great. I enjoyed it a lot.

ATOB and UsEarl. It's right - you make much too similar maps. Although this deviates a little from your other maps, it's not much enough to make me wanting to play more of your maps.

i feel like atob.

it's the same and the same and the same. all over again. try something different. and also, where are all the traps? 2/5
I don't play your maps too often but when I read atob's comment I agreed with him, these look very alike. :/ On the second hand, this map looks really generic but plays nice, nice job with the one-way | Chaingun | launchpad combination. It really adds some feel to map. The chaingun execution was really good, it worked when I was trying to get a agd. Overall, I like this map. 4.5, rounded down. (also, favorited) Agd;
Demo Data


It's great. AGD
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It feels like

you've made this map a million times. You really should deviate from this generic style of yours. :/

Classic jslimb. <3


sloppy agd

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