Quick Death

Thumbnail of the map 'Quick Death'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author -[SiFt]-
Tags author:-[sift]- normal rated
Created 2010-05-27
Last Modified 2010-05-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description This is one of my first levels, so don't expect much from me...
However, I've been getting some advice on how to make good levels so please help if you can. In the meantime, have fun in this level. Try to be fast!

RCE Post your Nreality speed run demos!


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nice sift - cya on monday 5/5 - this is really fun to speedrun on nreality

Thx guys

I didn't really know what to do, and I just wanted to make something, cuz I was bored. I thought that map was a failure.

Interesting start.

I had a poke; this map lent itself to remixability [].

spiced it up

click me! []

good start
Demo Data


Welcome to NUMA
Demo Data


Add mines and gold. And maybe a launchpad. Here:


My thought of what would make it better. Everyone else probably won't like it, though.

by the way

if you don't know how to edit maps, on this page there is a little button at the top left of the map (next to 'report abuse') that says edit. you manipulate the map data and then put it into the box prompted by the edit button.

cool, ay?
would be to place some gold on the right side of the map (near the rocket). that way you don't have to make that awkward jump to the exit right when you get out of the first little room.

this has potential, just needs a little more in my opinion.


minimalism is always good/

Pretty cool

nice for a first map ;d