The time is out of joint

Thumbnail of the map 'The time is out of joint'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lj11
Tags action agd author:lj11 beast-it-up-mode n-art rated
Created 2010-05-20
Last Modified 2010-05-20
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Originally an N-art, this map is moderately easy but very fun. I might make it harder in the future... anyway.. ecr!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Crack of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'The Devil incarnate' Thumbnail of the map 'Under the burning greenwood tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Out, damned spot' Thumbnail of the map 'All the world's a stage' Thumbnail of the map 'Salad days (Birthday Map)'
Crack of Doom The Devil incarnate Under the burning greenwood tree Out, damned spot All the world's a stage Salad days (Birthday Map)


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The tileset

gawd. I wish i was that good >_>

great map, but the gold and mine placement leaves something to be desired.

great looking map, would maybe move the mines blocking the gold by a bit, other than that its brilliant =D


you ruined the best part! :(


Just what it COULD be like...

I also think you could have made this as a map just fine without anything on the outside. Just like change the gameplay in the middle a bit to make it more actiony and it would still be a decent map
Demo Data


Awesome, but to squeeze through that last part where the blue panel is was a pain in the...


I wouldn't say this is "super-easy". It is moderately challenging, actually. ADG was hard with those mines. Is the N-art meant to be a fist?
Demo Data