Reborn: Homing Zap Drones

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Author map_makin_monster
Tags action author:map_makin_monster hard reborn unrated
Created 2010-05-16
Last Modified 2010-05-16
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Oh brother, homing zap drones. Personally, homing zap drones are my least favorite enemies.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Reborn: Gauss' Thumbnail of the map 'It's a First' Thumbnail of the map 'Reborn: Homing Launcher' Thumbnail of the map 'Reborn: Thwumps' Thumbnail of the map 'Reborn: Floor Gaurds' Thumbnail of the map 'Reborn: Zap Drones'
Reborn: Gauss It's a First Reborn: Homing Launcher Reborn: Thwumps Reborn: Floor Gaurds Reborn: Zap Drones


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I <3 homing zaps

my least favorite enemies are easily chainguns.


Generally on numa it is acceptable to release two maps per 24 hours, but this is more of a guideline. 7 in 27 hours is probably overkill. The seven of them have received only 5 votes, so maybe if you put a little more time and effort you could garner a little more attention.

Thanks, Numa Administration.
I was just waiting for my maps to get off the hot maps list

Hey, calm down.

You've submitted 4 maps today.