Angel's Forest (+fire)

Thumbnail of the map 'Angel's Forest (+fire)'

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Author furry_ant
Tags 300 action angels author:furry_ant chaingun forest rated
Created 2010-05-01
Last Modified 2010-06-02
by 22 people.
Map Data

Description 300.

you're in their territory now; watch out for badass angels shooting bullets.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'skydrop?' Thumbnail of the map '02-0 Skyroc - SHIT WRONG ACCOUNT.' Thumbnail of the map 'sleepyruins' Thumbnail of the map ',..refrain' Thumbnail of the map 'Starlight Castle' Thumbnail of the map 'Starlight Castle (Outro)'
skydrop? 02-0 Skyroc - SHIT WRONG ACCOUNT. sleepyruins ,..refrain Starlight Castle Starlight Castle (Outro)


Pages: (0)

yesh :)

Didn't we join around the same time?
Anyway, good work. I am jealous of how much better you are than me :P

(remember way back when I gave you mapping tips? xD)

good map furry


Agree with Pretzel.

Nothing to add, 5aved

Congrats on 300!

Nice simple tiles, good use of chainguns, creative gold placement, and well-placed mines, I'll just go straight to giving you a 5/5, cos its your 300th ;D


You have 300 maps, 3333 faves, 3 features, and roughly 1300 ratings.


congratulations on 300 maps, this one's very nice.
Demo Data


Well, despite this, I recognize that sometimes they are the best enemy choice. This is one of those times. I am truly blown away by this map; this is the best combination of aesthetics and gameplay I've seen since that Pheidi/heatwave collab. 5aved.

hehe.. congratz =D

AGDD >__>
Demo Data

Congratz on 300

This is great.

oh and sir,

i love your multiple bloodthirsty angels which of whom are quite 'badass'.

Congratulations Furry!
good map


I just went on and you weren't there.

Psh. Well.

Can't bro. I'm on my iPod.

IRC, bro.


The open space felt not-so-open with some of the mines, but it was okay.
Doctor who was good, I wonder what the Pandorica is that River song was talking about.

this isn't sparta!

this is furry's 300th map!

gratz on 300!

*cuts off reference*

congrats man!

those badass angels are real bastards.


tiles and gold placement is good.


love it.

congrats on 300. 5/5
Congratz on 300 furry! That switch on the oneway is classy. I like the cave+forest feel atmosphere, and those double chainguns are really effective.
Demo Data


Congrats Congrats Congrats Congrats


Congrats on 300 quality maps :D
on my ipod now will fave to play later.
cool tiles though :D
