Thumbnail of the map '8-MAZE'

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Author enespanol4268
Tags author:enespanol4268 mappack medium minesareeveryninjasfavouritenemy unrated
Created 2010-04-24
Last Modified 2010-04-24
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description One wrong jump and you could fall into a pit of mines. Navigate through the object-ial obstacles and you'll arrive at the open exit! Mappack coming soon.

Other maps by this author

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Drone Factory NUMA is a place for beginners N's playing N! Drone Factory 2 Tactical Variation (tileset) Chess Chaos


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Demo Data


Demo Data


Uninteresting and no gold. The enemies provided no challenge. Work on making your tilesets aesthetically appealing.
Demo Data

why 8?

No, just kidding.