Frequent Flyer

Thumbnail of the map 'Frequent Flyer'

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Author Invalid
Tags author:invalid playable race rated
Created 2010-04-24
Last Modified 2010-04-24
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description lul

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'batman gone apeshit' Thumbnail of the map 'My Spleen' Thumbnail of the map 'Advanced Technology' Thumbnail of the map 'Traverse Through Land' Thumbnail of the map 'Plaster walls' Thumbnail of the map 'Inch Away From Victory'
batman gone apeshit My Spleen Advanced Technology Traverse Through Land Plaster walls Inch Away From Victory


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Why NUMA why! We worked so hard! What are we gonna do? Well, there's not much we can do...


I posted it.

It's epic []

As a massive thankyou, any time you need an RCD, tell me, and I will. I'll also go and rate twenty of your maps fives. You deserve it man. Job well done.

Thanks for everything-

And we're done!

That's a rap. []

I didn't have much room, so I couldn't do much. I tried my hardest :). What you did on the last one though, was spectacular. The re-going through the map, the fixing up of mive mistakes ( Ooops :P) and that incredible last sequence, it has been a real priviledge woking with you.

Thanks for my most awesomest collab

- Fusion.

Next one.

Thought the right was feeling pretty lonely :) []


Broke my flow.

Sorry for delay, caused by sleep/school/lack of time.


Here it is []
The start was awkward, the choice of tiles for the little circles is awkward to double jump off, running off the one-way over the floorguard killed me, when it seemed it shouldn't have. The sudden trapdoors beneath the launchpad just kills the flow, the drone section just doesn't work well. The top floorguard is positioned badly and it runs over doors instead of locked doors, which disrupt the flow. And the ending is lame and quiet.
Demo Data


Coulda told me you had got it :)

Here's the next one []

This ones pretty neat. Edit at will, I changed yours a bit.

This is gonna be epic :)


This one. For sure []


How bout this one?

:) []

It removed the mine. Bugger. It's supposed to be in the top right of this little map. :)
Fixed it, I think. :(

Done the first part

Here it is []

Where I put the mine was where I wanted my section to end. Edit, add, and pass back.


which floorguard...

Just fix it!

You still can edit it! 2 ratings left.


Definitely not a 1 like Oakstream said, that is being WAY to harsh on it. I would say 3.5^ for it, just because of the lower floorguard because sometimes it would hit you sometimes it wouldn't. Anyway, somethings could have been fixed up but overall good.

Faster AGD
Demo Data
the place were u "messed up" is just terrible, and the floorguard part is not much better, 1.5v overall not good at all

What does lul mean?

Is it just lol with a u instead of an o so it can sound different?

messed up a bit

Demo Data