a strange world, something to do with the number 99...

Thumbnail of the map 'a strange world, something to do with the number 99...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author sniperassassin
Tags 99 author:sniperassassin this-is-my-99th-map unrated yay
Created 2010-04-22
Last Modified 2010-04-22
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 99... hmm....

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'it will play with your mind...' Thumbnail of the map 'dinner' Thumbnail of the map 'mists of deception' Thumbnail of the map 'simple.1' Thumbnail of the map 'a strange world, something to do with horns' Thumbnail of the map 'a strange world, something to do with clanky machines'
it will play with your mind... dinner mists of deception simple.1 a strange world, something to do with horns a strange world, something to do with clanky machines


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Don't forget, you can chat to me on the forums so its less public ;D
and on that topic... could you perhaps send me the tinypic link through PM'ing me? I'm curious to see what your 100th map will look like ;)
You don't have to tho
But heres the link anyway

Cropping Guide []


100 is coming...