4 Authors, 1 Map

Thumbnail of the map '4 Authors, 1 Map'

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Author miststalker06
Tags author:miststalker06 ded unrated
Created 2010-04-16
Last Modified 2010-04-16
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description If you can guess which four well-known and great authors of NUMA made the topmost tiles, I will give you a ded. The reference is at the top of the map. The tiles and objects are taken directly from their maps.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Name This Bug, Please...' Thumbnail of the map 'Caravan' Thumbnail of the map 'Auto Enlightenment' Thumbnail of the map 'At The End of the Rainbow' Thumbnail of the map 'Shit Amp That Makes Eds Riff:' Thumbnail of the map 'Flying Citadel'
Name This Bug, Please... Caravan Auto Enlightenment At The End of the Rainbow Shit Amp That Makes Eds Riff: Flying Citadel


Pages: (0)

Brainstone (wave on ship-thingy), Nphasis (face), AMLT (towers), Furry (trees)


chrisE palemoon atob mintnut

Furry, ChrisE, Nphasis, PALEMOON

Scratch that

Brianstone, Furry, Nphasis, and ChrisE


Brainstone, Furry, and either atob or ChrisE
Nphasis. Don't know about the last one, though.


furry, brainstone, nphasis and aldaric.

Me, furry, nPhasis and atob?

Me, brainstone, nphasis and chrise?

agree with numa_ninja

Ok, cool

I'll be back later to add more objects


He was my collab partner but actually didn`t do the tiles.


Why has everyone successively missed out Nphasis? Lol.

I have no idea

who is the fourth.

Blackson, mintnut, furry, chrise?

ChrisE, furry, brainstone, atob?


Demo Data