109-2: Why?

Thumbnail of the map '109-2: Why?'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags 109-2 author:chrdrenkmann episode playable series unrated
Created 2010-04-14
Last Modified 2010-04-14
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description WHY!? Why is it so hard to leave this damn site forever!?
Seriously, I wanted to say goodbye but this site is like a f***in' magnet.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '108-1: Wanna Collect Me!?' Thumbnail of the map '108-2: Let's Hop On Your Balls' Thumbnail of the map '108-3: Responsibility' Thumbnail of the map '108-4: Jericho' Thumbnail of the map '109-0: Sunshine After A Rainy Day' Thumbnail of the map '109-1: Fucked Feelings'
108-1: Wanna Collect Me!? 108-2: Let's Hop On Your Balls 108-3: Responsibility 108-4: Jericho 109-0: Sunshine After A Rainy Day 109-1: Fucked Feelings


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Beginning tomorrow has to rate and comment on all of your maps.
Do not worry.
A deal is a deal.
And a promise is a promise.
And remember:
Starting tomorrow, you can not review any of your previous maps to get that desired userbar.

Logged in as Chrdrenkmann + 707 maps with unreads comments + LogOut

I'll hurry.
I see with my own eyes that userbar.
thanks, chrdrenK
In your Chrdrekmann profile you had episodic maps and non-episodic maps.

months ago:
Chrdrenkmann Profile:

> Episodic Maps without rates = Delist
> Non-Episodic Maps without rates = Delist

Chrdrenkmann Profile:

>Episodic Maps without rates = Relist
>Non-Episodic Maps without rates = AdorableRabbits

This is so?
I'm a mess.


Obviously I can not check now if all your episodes are complete and not missing any number.
If so, fine.
Tell me you've done to not relist the maps displayed on your new project of AdorableRabbit and which will not fragment your Chrdrenkmann's episodes?
Are the same maps?


No exceptions please.
A deal is a deal.
If you do not relist the maps you put in AdorableRabbit, Chrdrenkmann continue fragmented.
For me is hard work rate and comment all your maps.
Also I do for you, so that your work is not lost.
For me all creation is a work of art.
And it should stay.
They are also good maps.
Furthermore, no matter what the maps appear in two different profiles.
Think about people know Chrdrenkmann within two years in future, and who want to play all your work. If you do that, these people go find your work has fragmented.
This can not be.

No exceptions please.
I wait your response.

Wanna make a deal?

Chrdrenkmann always been for me, my inspiration. An example to follow in NUMA. I was very sad when, several months ago you made the decision to go from being the 'USER WITH MORE EPISODES UPLOADED IN NUMA' to be 'USER WITH MORE FRAGMENTED EPISODES IN NUMA'. I did not like this decision.
I know your new proyect of AdorableRabbit.

But I propose you a deal.
I want you to come RELISTED all your maps.
And when I say all, I mean ALL.
Do not want you to be the fragmented, and spend hours looking for hidden Chrdrenkmann's maps. You have to continue being 'USER WITH MORE EPISODES UPLOADED IN NUMA'!!!

If you relist ALL your maps, I am committed to RATE ALL YOURS MAPS (ALL YOURS NEARLY 750 MAPS COUNTING THE RELISTED)
and I also promise, in about a week, do all these rates and comment on all your maps, so if you hold a week without watching any of your previous maps, after this week you have a user bar that put:

Logged in as Chrdrenkmann + *numberOFyoursMAPS* with unread comments + LogOut

You like the deal?
I await your response.

4 days? Are you actually serious?

Why didn't you just bow out gracefully instead of throwing a hissy fit?

Du bist schon an Erfolg gewöhnt.
no one noticed my map.. only one rate.. no comment ..

nice map dude :D but to hard for me to get an AGD >__<
As for the unrated maps thing, it's just a matter of getting better. You said it yourself, that with each new column you make you're getting more and more rated maps. That's because people are drawn to attractive thumbnails, as well as the name of the mapper. So as you make more of a name for yourself, and you start making nicer looking maps, you'll get more ratings.


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