
Thumbnail of the map 'Uranus's'

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Author erikcu
Tags air author:erikcu easy n-art planets playable unrated
Created 2010-04-14
Last Modified 2010-04-14
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Ajaina, her husband Richard, and their dog Jack all walked into a bar. On TV was a live televised broadcast of Earth's first landing on Uranus. In his excitement Richard promptly knocked over a bowl of peanuts. Jack, being a badly behaved dog, jumped up on the table and started inhaling the peanuts.
Having told the couple to keep the dog out his bar on previous occasions, the bartender yelled at Richard, "Hey Dick!" pointing at the dog "Jack off, he's sucking peanuts."
Richard yelled back, "I am watching Uranis. Have Ajaina do it."
On an unrelated note: Uranus is god of the air, father of the Titans.

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it's a gas planet. And yes, I know I over-analyzed you. ;)
(funny description bye the way, it made me laugh)


pretty vulgar
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