The trapdoor NEW

Thumbnail of the map 'The trapdoor NEW'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Lennigentleman
Tags author:lennigentleman unrated
Created 2010-04-12
Last Modified 2010-04-12
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Sorry but this is the better version.
Have fun!


Pages: (0)

ah, du hast das andere delisted...
gut :)

Demo Data


Yes, much better than your last.

first try AGD
but nice map man :D
i'll give you 5* cause the laser and sniper are very well placed - and there are not too much enemys
all in all nice "first" map xD

you can delist your otherone if you don't like it
in the right top corner is a button "delist"
Demo Data