
Thumbnail of the map 'Tambora'

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Author apstrac2winner
Tags apstrac2winner author:apstrac2winner medium tambora unrated usable volcano
Created 2010-04-02
Last Modified 2010-04-02
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 1st map, tileset by Mega_Duff, escape the volcanic prison :)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Gauss Chamber 01'
Gauss Chamber 01


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I like

how it gets more challenging in each room. The gold in the second room is a bit hard to get, but I think it is possible. Nice job with it all in general, though the gold/bouncies/design with the clouds looks kind of bad.

Mines have an excellent placement though.

I've thought I've seen them all, but I have never seen someone make their first map with someone else's tiles before. And they gave credit too. Welcome to NUMA!

Hmm, it's tricky. Don't hide keys before gold, it looks ugly. 3.5/5