Descion Completion- ITB.
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Author | FusionCoil |
Tags | author:fusioncoil itb nreality unrated |
Created | 2010-03-20 |
Last Modified | 2010-03-20 |
Map Data | |
Description | So, after a few hours of judging, I've made my descion.
2nd Place, was script. Probably the best use of the mod. It was innoative, is was creative, and most of all, it was fun. 3rd Place, was BluePretzel. A nice N-Art, which flowed perfectly, played smoothly, a great, Njoyable all rounder. I loved it. Now, in first place... was No Ma11y. The level of craftsmanship that went into this level is astounding. The detail, the intracacy, it's all pretty mindblowing. This map doesa well in every category. Congrats No Mally. You deserve it! =D First and Second, go ahead and pick your prizes. - An AD on Numa. - Comments on as many maps as they want =) - And a ded map. 4th place was aerodynamic. scripts map [] BluePretzels map [] No Mallys map [] Aerodynamics map. [] I had alot of fun doing this competition. I hope you did too. Njoy! |
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Ooh, I came third!
Yay, thanks <3 !
I choose the comments one... but to tone it down, can you RCD (rate comment demo) this map [], and rate/comment my last 10 maps instead of commenting on over 100 of 'em?
I choose the comments one... but to tone it down, can you RCD (rate comment demo) this map [], and rate/comment my last 10 maps instead of commenting on over 100 of 'em?
When I use modmaster, I only do it for obscure things. It's great for drones, but the triggers are really buggy. I find it better on the whole to make the mods by hand, and thats me -the creator- of modmaster. Also use of modmaster is in no way a factor for disqualification. Although I am unaware of the contest, I'm sure many other people used modmaster as well. It's no means to disqualify, especially if you dont have hard proof. I side with n0_mally here.
No offense, but just because you can't do them doesn't mean that all complex mods were done in modmaster. People pulled off some pretty crazy shit before modmaster came about.
The problem I have with n0_ma11y winning is that you said you would penalize us for using too many mods, which he did in my opinion.
To be clear, I don't think that no_ma11y's map was bad, and I'm not complaining because I didn't win. My map sucked, and n0_ma11y's is awesome.
The problem I have with n0_ma11y winning is that you said you would penalize us for using too many mods, which he did in my opinion.
To be clear, I don't think that no_ma11y's map was bad, and I'm not complaining because I didn't win. My map sucked, and n0_ma11y's is awesome.
i'm innocent i swear, i can do area triggers without mod master, here i'll show you!!
i'm innocent i swear, i can do area triggers without mod master, here i'll show you!!

lol, 3.5th! solid.
I, for one, really feel in no place to decide. Just wait for n0_ma11y to show up.
was that part of the challenge?
what did modmaster ever do to you?