The Zap Drones - Lv3

Thumbnail of the map 'The Zap Drones - Lv3'

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Author BluePretzel
Tags author:bluepretzel image-map nreality ntitans rated torch
Created 2010-03-09
Last Modified 2010-03-09
by 9 people.
Map Data


“N? Where are you? Are you alive?”
“Yes, I’m fine. I found that secret passage you were talking about and, wow is it dark in here! Also, I inspected the ship. No survivors, Captain.”
“That is a shame. But yes, there should be torches in there though.”
“Yep. What now?”
“Simple, finish the level. But be careful, those torches obviously would be hot, and there are high Society drones in there! This passage leads to their Titan, so don’t die on us yet! A whole crew was sacrificed for this, so make them proud!!”
"Will do, sir. Over and out."

Nreality imaging ftw!
Enjoy, the Titan is up next!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Reach For the sky' Thumbnail of the map 'This aint no girl scout camp' Thumbnail of the map 'Freedom of choice' Thumbnail of the map 'The Zap Drones - Lv1' Thumbnail of the map 'The Zap Drones - Lv2' Thumbnail of the map 'Sinnoh'
Reach For the sky This aint no girl scout camp Freedom of choice The Zap Drones - Lv1 The Zap Drones - Lv2 Sinnoh


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love it!

i just played the entire series up to this point. i really like it. and yeah, this is awesome. 5/5


Lovely, fantastic. FOGGY.
So was the fog! 5/5! :D

Demo Data

Nice fog.

death demo
Demo Data
cause if you do, can you teach me how???


ohh yeah...

is the titan

a giant zap drone?! cause if it is, im gonna be really excited!!!


nice idea. ive always liked the n titans series... its... cool...