gangster map

Thumbnail of the map 'gangster map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author gugoz
Tags author:gugoz dda unrated
Created 2010-03-06
Last Modified 2010-03-06
Map Data

Description HM

Other maps by this author

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There is a generally accepted map limit here on numa and you have surpassed it. 4 maps in 2 hours is too many. Put more effort into your maps and you won't have this problem. Your start here on numa has been rocky, consider yourself on thin ice.

Read up:

rocket_thumped - Moderator


more people are likely to play your maps if you don't have as many. it makes people happier that no one is spamming maps. =)
That also gives you time to actually make decent maps to submit instead of this mess.

Demo Data

2 MAPS!!!

NOT 4!!!
Or 5... or 6...


Demo Data