Cross Toss

Thumbnail of the map 'Cross Toss'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Aldaric
Tags action author:aldaric rated
Created 2010-02-27
Last Modified 2010-02-27
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description One enemy. (The floorguards are just for looks, they don't do anything)Inspired by one featured map in which the majority of gameplay happened on the sides.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A for PALEMOON' Thumbnail of the map 'One Crazy Night' Thumbnail of the map 'The Pirate King' Thumbnail of the map 'E Tree' Thumbnail of the map 'Accordion on Drugs' Thumbnail of the map 'The Wishing Well'
A for PALEMOON One Crazy Night The Pirate King E Tree Accordion on Drugs The Wishing Well


Pages: (0)

If thwumps don't intend to kill you, why do they hurl their deadly sides toward you when they sense your presence?

no probs buddy

Now on to the map:

I give it a 3/5, its pretty fun to play, but the flows not too good and the mines can be annoying at times

Oh ok.


yeah I know aldaric. You just didnt say which one specifically, so I thought I would (+ add a helpful link)

Here's a demo.
Demo Data
Cage should read the description
thwump don't try to kill you. Therefore they are not enemies. Yeah edgeplay is the one I was thinking of. This map is completely different though. Only the play being on the edge is the same.

as Cheez said:

Edgeplay inspired?

When did thwumps stop being enemies?



Some one sniped...

then someone anti-sniped...


Have fun!
Demo Data