Bertha the butcherly seamonster

Thumbnail of the map 'Bertha the butcherly seamonster'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author schaaaf
Tags author:schaaaf funny hier-steht-diesmal-nevershines-werbung rated seamonsters tileset usable
Created 2010-01-29
Last Modified 2010-02-27
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description very inspired by furry ant :]

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'The day the voodoopupets retaliate!' Thumbnail of the map 'Collector' Thumbnail of the map 'Kideating Oger' Thumbnail of the map 'N-emy' Thumbnail of the map 'come clarity' Thumbnail of the map 'alone'
The day the voodoopupets retaliate! Collector Kideating Oger N-emy come clarity alone


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

faster agd

still improvable by some frames...
you could have made more out of this map, but it's still worth 3.5/5^
2 things to tell you:
1. did you ever hear from shadow93kangaroo again?
he's been absent for a couple of weeks now, maybe you know what's the matter with him?
I would like to ask you to playtest our collab, too, please.

2. I have a new map [] - have a look at it if you like.
Demo Data

do you want to playtest 2 maps of da_guru and me?
the painting style reminds me of "Twig", if you know the book.


You`ve got a new avatar. Good to see you again after some time. :)

cute tiles! glad you aren't dead :)

So close.
Demo Data

speedy agd.

Demo Data
can i use it with credit? i'm addicted to that monster <3

Demo Data