Scrying Skull

Thumbnail of the map 'Scrying Skull'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Tags author:palemoon rated scryingskull
Created 2010-01-28
Last Modified 2010-01-28
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Looking deep into his sunken eyes
searching, feeling his demise

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Vaunted Fogbeast Sighting' Thumbnail of the map 'Grandfather's Mirror' Thumbnail of the map 'full of HATE' Thumbnail of the map 'Nepthys' Necromantic Honeymoon' Thumbnail of the map 'Cruor Vult' Thumbnail of the map 'Aura of Silence'
Vaunted Fogbeast Sighting Grandfather's Mirror full of HATE Nepthys' Necromantic Honeymoon Cruor Vult Aura of Silence


Pages: (0)


gameplay was good. 3.5/5^


Fun. 3.5 up.
Demo Data

Also, I've discovered that if you post a map at this time of night, no one ever looks at it. -_-

The tileset doesn't really do much to enhance this map imo. Seems almost too Nart ish. That said, it's quite cool, and the gameplay is not bad. 3/5.

Also, I'm really interested in making a better version of "the quiet time lounge", the map you commented on. Would you collab with me if I asked you nicely? :P