
Thumbnail of the map 'Tense.'

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Author FusionCoil
Tags action author:fusioncoil unrated
Created 2010-01-16
Last Modified 2010-01-16
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description You'll see what I mean when you play =)


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Abstract can't breathe.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mr Sun says WAKE UP!' Thumbnail of the map 'A turn for the worst.' Thumbnail of the map 'The sound of... water?' Thumbnail of the map 'Tower of Shock.' Thumbnail of the map 'Crashed.'
Abstract can't breathe. Mr Sun says WAKE UP! A turn for the worst. The sound of... water? Tower of Shock. Crashed.


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except the hidden thwump this was flowless
so it's a 4
fail demo :)
Demo Data

its ok i guess. i like the difficulty in a way, but it could be just because the gameplay was very awkward that made it diffcult, but i liked the small spaces.
Demo Data


don't overuse enemies. 1 chaingun does the job of 3 in one room. so use only 3 chainguns per level, depending on the size of the level.
* Runs of to go do it *

I have an idea

for each one of these squares make a level out of it. Like, Mine-dodging level, chaingun level, laser level, thwump, etc etc. Make use of different tiles, too.

It is hard.

But it can be done. This demo gets to the chaingun.
Demo Data


i think the beginning is impossible but I can't pass episode 25 so meh.