Drag me to HELL!

Thumbnail of the map 'Drag me to HELL!'

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Author akomaps
Tags author:akomaps easy fun hard hell rated
Created 2010-01-14
Last Modified 2010-01-14
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Lol this is an easy one!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Craking the system' Thumbnail of the map 'Taking down a helecopter' Thumbnail of the map 'No ShortCut'
Craking the system Taking down a helecopter No ShortCut


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the best movie of all time...

Not accusing you of multiaccounting, but it's kinda wierd when it's the only rated map on the hot maps page /and/ achieved a rating in this desolate a time in less than 10 minutes.

Demonstration of the aforementioned cheatability. Yes, I know I didn't actually get the switch to the exit, but I didn't feel like waiting much longer for the objects to reload.
Demo Data

Is this really what passes for a 4-ninja map these days? There are many issues here.

First off, WAY too many objects. It increases the load time, looks ugly, and is generally unnecessary.

Secondly, the map is cheatable: after reaching the switch, one can easily perform a double-jump on the first bounce block to reach the exit and avoid the thwump on the far right side altogether.

Third, the gold trail. I know this pretty much falls under the first point, but it's much better to place gold in places that the ninja -won't- necessarily go on an ordinary run. Otherwise it's not a challenge at all.

That being said, I gave this map 2 ninjas and was surprised to see that the overall rating was 4 ninjas (I voted when only one more vote was necessary). It's not a terrible map, but certainly not above average.

Demo Data


but enjoyable.