Engine Room

Thumbnail of the map 'Engine Room'

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Author Aldaric
Tags action author:aldaric progressive rated
Created 2010-01-08
Last Modified 2010-01-08
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description This gets progressively more difficult. 1st room - Easy; 2nd room - your only going to die if you mess up; 3rd room - Actually might give some people a challenge; 4th room - Hard, but definitely do-able the rocket is fun to dodge.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Triangle Walks' Thumbnail of the map 'Yellow Submarine' Thumbnail of the map 'Borderline Plagiarism' Thumbnail of the map 'Starry Night in the City' Thumbnail of the map 'RAWR I R T-REX' Thumbnail of the map 'Don't you LOVE those helpful oneways in caves'
Triangle Walks Yellow Submarine Borderline Plagiarism Starry Night in the City RAWR I R T-REX Don't you LOVE those helpful oneways in caves


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Demo Data

Yep, go ahead

But could you remove the words "sexy and stripper" from my title. I'm clean like that, sorry/
but enjoyed most of it. liked the drones especially. 4

Quite nice; could've been better.

your comments are never spam :S just go on posting them on my maps, that's no problem. (this [] is mirc, the irc client I use. you should get it, too, all the cool people are on the irc. the server is "" and the channel is "#n".)
The demo was non-fbf. It's kinda random whether or not you can land a jump between mines like that. Meta can do it way better.


It's not kinda random whether or not you can land a jump between mines like that. Meta can do it way better.

thanks :)

just do the tiles you feel like..

I actually think the 3rd is harder that the 4th.
This is nice.
That was crazy.
I couldn't myself, but it is cool that people can.

Cheated Speedrun

I like the aesthetics here. Feels atob-ish or at least atob inspired.
Demo Data

wow that was much harder than i expectet... here's a 3rd try death :P
Demo Data
Demo Data