Silent Film

Thumbnail of the map 'Silent Film'

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Author bufar
Tags action author:bufar playable rated
Created 2010-01-07
Last Modified 2010-01-07
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Movies On The Rocks by miststalker06 []

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'All the Single Fembots' Thumbnail of the map 'Fifty Three' Thumbnail of the map 'Mayhem in Seattle' Thumbnail of the map 'iumop-əp!sdn s,tI' Thumbnail of the map 'AirTortise' Thumbnail of the map 'Ferox didn't list us.'
All the Single Fembots Fifty Three Mayhem in Seattle iumop-əp!sdn s,tI AirTortise Ferox didn't list us.


Pages: (0)

Loved the tiles, mine idea, gold, difficulty curve. Hated the starting spot, one-ways.

3, because you didn't do the tiles.


Went with a 3/3+.

I realize that I could have (and probably should have) put something in the top space, but I wanted the map to feel confined. As for the gold, I felt that it should be out of the way a little bit, even after you made it past the mines. The cramped rooms seemed right at the time, but in hindsight they were a mistake.

It's decent

It was likable but kinda lacking. I guess it depends on whether or not you would consider my route cheating. A couple points: Why the right switch? It is much much harder to get than the left one. Also, why make the player hop around on cramped tiles to get the gold? If they already made it past the tough jump, they earned it, and you should just give it to them, IMO. NR for now.
AGD: (same method as below)
Demo Data

Who needs switches?

Demo Data

Here's a different one, also on nReality.
Demo Data
but wow, this map is tough.


Those mines bugged me a lot. I see what you tried to do, but it didn't work. Oh, and that laser was quite annoying when you got out of that top part. You could've expanded some action into that empty space up there, so it wasn't so cramped.
Demo Data

Liked the map.

Very simple, only thing that bothered me were the mines, though :)


To prove possibility.
Demo Data