
Thumbnail of the map 'Disease'

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Author shortshift
Tags action apt2 author:shortshift rated
Created 2010-01-06
Last Modified 2010-01-06
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description .

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'LEGALBITCH' Thumbnail of the map 'Run Through the Forest' Thumbnail of the map 'Rockey' Thumbnail of the map 'How To Build An Empire' Thumbnail of the map 'RIOBEMEN' Thumbnail of the map 'Aera Cura'
LEGALBITCH Run Through the Forest Rockey How To Build An Empire RIOBEMEN Aera Cura


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This map is intense without being super-hard!
Demo Data

just get on #riot, we could start a new one. mahi and I made a map a few days ago, I guess Conen is now working on it..


an AGD.
Demo Data

Those varied gold patterns are so Yahoozy

Quadrent 3 was my favorite

I love those tiles!

You have effectively pulled off a Yahoozy-esque map style here, and I love it. I don't know if you were doing it, but the way that you included gold in the very same way as Yahoozy does - to lure the ninja and entice the player into an all-gold. Not only that, but you also pulled off (quite sucessfully) the way the map changes in the second half into an action map. Like any good Yahoozy map, an all-gold on this map has become quite infectious . A tip of my hat for you, good sir!



the intrepid gameplay is really cool.

I love this tileset.


first of all, the tileset is gorgeous. it is a mesterpiece on its own, you have effectibvely employed negative space. however, I felt the gameplay was a bit dull. Your tileset sort of blocked off all the enemies from each other, making it a pretty mundance trip for a player snooping for gold. Personally I think this might've made a pretty good minejumper, although this tileset would be unorthodox for that kind of map, but you defenitely got off to a good start, your mine placement was good, although the gold distribution was iffy and the sloppy bounceblock and launchpad placement contributed to a sketchy flow.

Demo Data