Root Kit

Thumbnail of the map 'Root Kit'

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Author erikcu
Tags action author:erikcu fun gauss medium roots unrated
Created 2009-12-30
Last Modified 2009-12-30
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description After eradicating a root kit creation from my machine, I am made this little action ditty. Personally I'd give myself a 3/5.

Other maps by this author

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Dastardly Bastards Wheely Speshul Spaceship Duke It Out DeAtH CLowN Souped Up 188958


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Just acknowledging my limited map making skills. Still it is a better than average map, in my opinion, so I post it for others to enjoy, or not.

The fact that people upload maps that they themselves would only give a 3/5 scares me.

I liked

it a lot thought it was fun tiles were nice it was one of those maps where i could make myself look like i no what im doing haha