Living in the Limelight, Universal Dream

Thumbnail of the map 'Living in the Limelight, Universal Dream'

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Author SeventhSpirit
Tags author:seventhspirit limelight mine-jumper unrated
Created 2009-12-30
Last Modified 2009-12-30
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description -Moving Pictures-

Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Camera Eye
Witch Hunt
Vital Signs

Those who wish to be...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'You are the Drone Shepherd' Thumbnail of the map 'Inverted Spiral Stance' Thumbnail of the map 'Walk into my Dreamworld' Thumbnail of the map 'Claustrophobic' Thumbnail of the map '"They call me the Workin' Man"' Thumbnail of the map 'Surfing with the Alien'
You are the Drone Shepherd Inverted Spiral Stance Walk into my Dreamworld Claustrophobic "They call me the Workin' Man" Surfing with the Alien


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it certainly doesn't seem like it. well first lemme say EXCUSE ME if I come off a little crabby or hardassed, I had already written this comment and pressed the "sumbitch" button, but it the comment was erased and now I have to re-write it because apparently I wasn't logged it, which is fucking impossible because I wouldn't be able to write the comment in the first place if I wasn't.

first of all, your placement of the enemies and the objects was absolutely horrendous. mines and gold were all over the place, zap drones pushing ninjas into corners, and guass turrets not making things much better. and to top it all off, there's launchpads placed haphazardly to further impede the players progress. the launchpads were often directed right in the mines or other enemies; well there isn't much place else where a ninja can land, considering that landing on a bare tile will attract enemies or landing on a bounceblock, which you also managed to place carelessly that ineveitable screws the gameplay up even more, will produce some bad result. well now ya got launchpads propelling ninjas into cataclismic oblivion?!?!?!? the passsages connecting one area to another are so small and RIGHT NEXT TO THE ENEMIES that there's no way that anyone can get out nevermind get into the the other regions of the map without having their ninjas' blood spattered all over the place. do you honestly think someone can beat this level?! I mean, looks at it! LOOK AT IT!!!! the tiles alone are bound to give any self-respecting player problems moving around, and with the scattered mines and malicious drones it is pretty much impossible that anyone can provide you with a completion demo.

my advice is, especially for tilesets such as these, is to produce maps that a tedious yet not too difficult. mine-jumpers with these sort of tilesets often work well. and if you're gonna create bustling action maps, at least make a clean enough tileset so that players can at least afford to get around. for this map: so yeah, you completely overdid it and now the map is a complete map is a complete mess. 1/5
Demo Data

do you submit it?

as an example for the name.. A Freaky Friday .. ?


*grabs axe*