Day 7: Captured!

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Author Guitar_Hero_Matt
Tags action author:guitar_hero_matt lasers lol sss unrated
Created 2009-12-26
Last Modified 2009-12-26
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Well, I couldn't resist. Another peak at SSS, which is still available on the forums. Posted mostly due to everyone wanting it on here, and everyone being a good sport!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Icicle Architecture' Thumbnail of the map 'SSS Released!' Thumbnail of the map 'Sanskrit' Thumbnail of the map 'Serendipity Isle' Thumbnail of the map 'SeaSculpture' Thumbnail of the map 'Alpine Jaunt'
Icicle Architecture SSS Released! Sanskrit Serendipity Isle SeaSculpture Alpine Jaunt


Pages: (0)

Love this.

Rye whiskey may refer to two types of whiskey:

1) American rye whiskey, must be distilled from at least 51 percent rye;
2) Canadian rye whisky, may or may not include rye, so long as it possesses the aroma, taste and character generally attributed to Canadian whisky it may legally be labeled "rye".

No matter what content this map has, I can tell you one thing. This contains fun. Fun at a high concentration. Stand back while I get drunk. Also, play this map.
Did you ever encountered a map yet so complex and simple?

Acolyte, even if it's a retile, is doing great on it's mission to being great, simple, fun and yet being so complex about it. The map itself is so harmonic with it's beatiful tiles and simple-yet-so-fun gameplay, relaxing as you're lying on the clouds while watching a sunset, dangerous as you're walking on a rope with water full of piranhas under it. It's an adventure you don't know where it starts or finishes. An adventure never seems to end.

Acolyte, where the evil meets the good.
Build Your Own Inferno

Materials Needed:

1 paper-mâché volcano
1 bottle of vinegar
5 tbs distilled nevershine
3 sticks of dynamite
6 tbs kerosine
1 match
2 tbs baking soda

Optional (2 points Extra Credit for each one used):

Intense, action packed gameplay
Multiple routes
Stylish tiles
Replay value
Impeccable object placement


1. Mix the baking soda, distilled nevershine, kerosine, dynamite, and any (or all) optional materials in a large bowl until there are no lumps

2. Pour mixture into volcano

3. Pour generous helpings of vinegar into the volcano, light the match, drop it in, and enjoy the mayhem

Christian's Inferno is my favorite nevershine map. Always has been, probably always will be. The action is just exhilarating and there are bits and pieces of flow to pick up and drop off everywhere. I'm not even going to mention the classic nevershine tiles or the chaingun that I love so much. Well, I lied. Anyway, this is one of those maps that you should play, more than once.


i only trust myself and you to be reliable at this point haha :3


what happened to that #riot collab? did you send it to conen or what?
Tomorrow's going to be my mapping day, so expect great things!
I still think those lasers are great.
Demo Data
dunno if I'm goin to church or not, haven't been in like a month.


Laser room was the toughest to figure out a strategy for, but I think I got it. ;p
Demo Data


Brush Away was a quickie.

You seem like an awesome dude, we need to collab sometime for real.


My mouse double clicks on it's own, so you'll have to put up with that occasionally.


oh and there are 2 mines on the '3' tile just as you leave the room with the lasers...
Demo Data

Why yes it does!

It also stands for Strong Soup Spoons and Silly Sociopath's Sellotape!


does that stand for "Super Suicidal Society"?
Don't let it put you off, though! It's still an awesomely cool map.