
Thumbnail of the map 'Love'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author eganic
Tags author:eganic love unrated
Created 2009-12-23
Last Modified 2009-12-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I know this isnt spectacular by any means, but give me some nice comments anyway.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bus] Hoppers]' Thumbnail of the map 'Whipped Dragon Jizz' Thumbnail of the map 'a Kingdom of UnSuccess: How Adulshe DeJabar Ran New China' Thumbnail of the map '-' Thumbnail of the map 'The most laughable time of day' Thumbnail of the map 'Whppd Drgn Jzz'
Bus] Hoppers] Whipped Dragon Jizz a Kingdom of UnSuccess: How Adulshe DeJabar Ran New China - The most laughable time of day Whppd Drgn Jzz


Pages: (0)


This is fun. Cool concepts.
Demo Data
Ok, first off, I'm not a "noob"; I've been here for a year.
Second, I was featuring the map, not the author. The map I featured was not publicly rated, and I wanted it so.
Last, I have done nothing to you, so this argument is kinda pointless. ;D


you and your being much smarter than me... *grumbles to self*



not an agd. but something better, perhaps?
Demo Data

THEY ALL HAS me being an arse
Also, I would say that you deserve to be a reviewer.

othert than the hidden oneway, this is good, lagged demo
Demo Data
Nice comments for you.
Imo, we should only submit to riot if three or more people are involved.



Like it :)

