Screw Vista

Thumbnail of the map 'Screw Vista'

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Author Oleary15
Tags author:oleary15 its rated screw slow too vista
Created 2009-12-21
Last Modified 2009-12-21
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My little message to windows

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Awesome' Thumbnail of the map 'Sad?' Thumbnail of the map 'Coinflip' Thumbnail of the map 'The Pumpkin' Thumbnail of the map 'Insanity' Thumbnail of the map 'Find the fastest Route'
Awesome Sad? Coinflip The Pumpkin Insanity Find the fastest Route


Pages: (0)

sub400 is possible, but whatever, I guess you left this out X]
Demo Data

I'm stuck with

Windows XP...

ATOB: I've been using Vista for three months now and it keeps bluescreening. I've checked the windows troubleshooting website, and done what it told me. Nothing has worked. Clearly I am doing something wrong here.


Ew. Bad. Bad. Bad, Vista does suck.

Yeah, I agree with ATOB. Our school changed all the vista computers and put xp on them because apparently vista was stopping people getting to their work. Same damn thing happened on xp, turns out it was nothing to do with Vista. And Vista looks nicer. YEAH.
Not one single problem.

People suck with technology is more to the point, I think.

It's not as bad

as everyone says

If you want, but Snow Leopard blows. Well, kinda.

or a mac

Aww come on, it's not that bad.

Anyway, solution - Windows 7 or Ubuntu.