High, low, high

Thumbnail of the map 'High, low, high'

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Author FusionCoil
Tags action author:fusioncoil unrated
Created 2009-12-21
Last Modified 2009-12-21
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description " I'm just a poor boy,
I need no sympathy
Cause I'm easy come, easy go,
little HIGH, little LOW
Anyway the wind blows,
Doesn't really matter to me..."

Its officially a series.


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Quantum Indescion' Thumbnail of the map 'Goldin plastic strips' Thumbnail of the map 'Pretzel tank.' Thumbnail of the map 'Mulch.' Thumbnail of the map 'Landslide.' Thumbnail of the map 'Up'
Quantum Indescion Goldin plastic strips Pretzel tank. Mulch. Landslide. Up


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Some of those floorchasers were un-neccessary, they just ended up clustering into one.
And the bottom was hard enough without the zap-drones. Also, I think you couldve added a bit of gold in it, too.


Not my favourite.

Try again.