Seven Ancient Wonders - Part 1

Thumbnail of the map 'Seven Ancient Wonders - Part 1'

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Author rokin_mockin
Tags author:rokin_mockin fun medium story unrated
Created 2009-12-13
Last Modified 2009-12-13
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description If you have read the book "Seven Ancient Wonders" then you will get this map. It is the first treasure in the novel where you run back from the Wonder and to the exit.

Fairly easy, part of that is because my laptop is being slow and won' work properly. Have fun, I suppose and don't bag the map too much maybe more CONSTRUCTIVE criticism as to where I went wrong and what I could do to make it better

Other maps by this author

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Unhatch doom Thwumper I SCREAM! Sniper Mine A nice walk in hell. Illusion


Pages: (0)

Authors note

Umm... The unnecessary objects are there for the effect of what's In the book but a better comment than what I've had before. Got another map in works coming out tomorrow so stay tuned

It's a good book

The one by Mathew Reilly is a really good book. Loved it, till the end. Like the book how there's finally an Aussie hero
and don't place stuff that isn't nescessary for the map, like the trapdoors in the beginning and the end...
Demo Data
The one by Matthew Reilly