
Thumbnail of the map 'Floorguards'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author bindy
Tags action author:bindy fun playable unrated
Created 2009-12-10
Last Modified 2009-12-10
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Simple map.

Thanks to Gohan for the Tileset.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'First User Level' Thumbnail of the map 'Third Square' Thumbnail of the map 'Landmines' Thumbnail of the map 'Up and Down' Thumbnail of the map 'Follow the path'
First User Level Third Square Landmines Up and Down Follow the path


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it begins with a 5^. It is also always the first object on the editor (unless manually added later in the txt file), so it's pretty easy to find.


This is probably the most famous tileset on NUMA. Cos its in the user-maps.

Sweet thanks

xXSc3n1cXx, very helpful because a lot of tilesets i get have the player stuck in the top of the map :S


in, not i.


just find the Ninja's code in the map code and delete it. it begins with a 9, and goes to the next ! i the code.

Quick Question

Is there anyway to delete the ninja when you get a tileset and it is stuck on top of the map?? because it has been annoying me with a few maps.

Oh, it's early AM for me. Good work, 3/5


i forgot to add that, its late and im tired :)

At least credit Gohan for the tileset

Cheated Speedrun

Stolen Tiles
Demo Data

good map

4/5, for the effort. the gold was a challenge, and nothing was spammed. You have improved. Keep this up and you'll be good in no time.