
Thumbnail of the map 'ammonite'

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Author thealien123
Tags author:thealien123 collabs flow fun medium-hard mines unrated
Created 2009-12-03
Last Modified 2009-12-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description a collab between me and "the puzzler". it was his idea to start the collab. i did the tiles and he did the object placement. enjoy!

Other maps by this author

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corridor columns 2 seperation seperation 2 tower bridge castle mania art is not trash, its a treasure


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Collecting gold, as said, isn't that fun. 4/5 That's what makes it drop :)
Try my newest map: Stardust Fills The Ruins [] :)

It's fun, and the tiles are good, but collecting the gold isn't so fun. Also, I don't think there is enough action. Still, nice collab, 4/5

Great tiles