The evil Squares

Thumbnail of the map 'The evil Squares'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Woot16
Tags action author:woot16 beatable fun medium-hard-ish playable rated
Created 2009-12-03
Last Modified 2009-12-03
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description I give credit to ultimatereading for the main map.
It was a gift from him to me. Thanks ultimatereading!
Dont forget to check his levels out!

Escape the evil squares, before they get you.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Climbing challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'The Metro's deep' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Men Tell No Tales' Thumbnail of the map 'The Rock-et' Thumbnail of the map 'A picture In A Picture' Thumbnail of the map 'In the countdown of Naza'
Climbing challenge The Metro's deep Dead Men Tell No Tales The Rock-et A picture In A Picture In the countdown of Naza


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Just a copy of my map "cubegame"

great tiles,

objects... well I wasn't a fan anyway.


not my favorite map, but it was a little fun to highscore(i put a demo on Nreality) so.. 3/5
If your a fan of slippery slimy sex.


A little less than decent. That jump at the beginning was annoying, just because it was off to the side a bit. I don't like the excessive amount of doors to close off a place either. The one switch in the bottom left felt very out of place too. The trampolines would have been better left out and the tiles on the top should have been left flat. I like the sparing enemies, though there should have been about 2 more enemies. Overall, the design and aesthetics were nice but the gameplay fell short of what it should have been.
Demo Data

AGD - 1

I totally forgot that one piece at the beginning.
Demo Data


for shout out and well done mate top of the hot maps

Putting keys on top of enemies like rockets or gauss is generally a bad idea.

wow cool

map very different from your other maps

Soo close.

Demo Data