Extream Doors

Thumbnail of the map 'Extream Doors'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Woot16
Tags action author:woot16 epic fun medium medium-rare unrated
Created 2009-11-29
Last Modified 2009-11-29
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Go back and forth, through this fun, action-packed, and exciting map! You must go back and forth, to win.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Subway-The-under-pass' Thumbnail of the map 'Challenge of the south' Thumbnail of the map 'The evil House' Thumbnail of the map 'Fireworks and Clockwork' Thumbnail of the map 'What goes around, Comes around' Thumbnail of the map 'Spanish Challenge'
Subway-The-under-pass Challenge of the south The evil House Fireworks and Clockwork What goes around, Comes around Spanish Challenge


Pages: (0)

I found out

Yes. I found out.
Roblox. Is. Alot. Worse. Then. This. Map. []

this is

a better tileset


... Maps where you've to go back and forth aren't very fun, because you've to do the same thing over and over again...
Demo Data

I know!

you can take the bottom over the other bottom at the begining
Please? If there really is a cheat, Can you please tell me?

