The trampoline

Thumbnail of the map 'The trampoline'

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Author Woot16
Tags author:woot16 lean o tramp unrated
Created 2009-11-21
Last Modified 2009-11-21
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Lean on the trampoline. One of my best so far.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Race against rockets' Thumbnail of the map 'So close yet so far'
Race against rockets So close yet so far


Pages: (0)


go to map editor

press H,E,delete,and then G *in that order*

Go to the middle square and make a 9 by 9 square of emptiness *d tiles* centered on the middle square.

work with the tiles i just gave you, as a begginning map maker you have to start off small.

5 per day?


you're making the same maps over and over, you aren't listening to the advice people are giving you at all
Demo Data


Demo Data
the rockets are spammed and that part with the launchpads at the top is impossible. the launchpads that are higher up launch you up too fast so you die on impact, but even if you could get past that it would require a tremendous amount of luck to avoid the rockets coming at you. because this is your third map, i'll give it a 2.5v/5
one rule:
only 2 maps on hotmaps page!!
and 5 per day