07-4: The Walls Have Eyes

Thumbnail of the map '07-4: The Walls Have Eyes'

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Author Chord
Tags 7-4 action author:chord chord the-walls-have-eyes unrated
Created 2009-11-19
Last Modified 2009-11-19
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description O_O

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '06-3: Camouflage Won't Help You Now' Thumbnail of the map '06-4: Where You At?' Thumbnail of the map '07-0: Pods' Thumbnail of the map '07-1: Barb' Thumbnail of the map '07-2: They Come from the Moon' Thumbnail of the map '07-3: Puff'
06-3: Camouflage Won't Help You Now 06-4: Where You At? 07-0: Pods 07-1: Barb 07-2: They Come from the Moon 07-3: Puff


Pages: (0)

Demo Data

<Riobe> CHORD
<Riobe> oh he's not here
<Riobe> god damnit
<Riobe> now I'm not playing his map