another simple challenge that aint a simple challenge

Thumbnail of the map 'another simple challenge that aint a simple challenge'

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Author natures_peril
Tags action author:natures_peril unrated
Created 2009-11-17
Last Modified 2009-11-17
Map Data

Description cos it aint called a simple callenge

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '//tile//jumper' Thumbnail of the map 'waking the daemon' Thumbnail of the map 'simple challenge' Thumbnail of the map 'to close for comfort' Thumbnail of the map 'against the current' Thumbnail of the map 'squeeze'
//tile//jumper waking the daemon simple challenge to close for comfort against the current squeeze


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Demo Data


Demo Data

A bit faster

btw Ncouraging, it's called chimneying, not laddering :P
Demo Data


can u tell me how to ladder as fast as you do?

Got it


I think it would have been much better if you had required only 2 or three loops at most.
Demo Data


It's just screwing with me...
Demo Data


Of course

5 times

Got around 4 times

How many times do you need to go?
Demo Data


That one way on the left side of the center tile block keeps screwing me up...