
Thumbnail of the map 'Stuff'

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Author Dark_Reign
Tags author:dark_reign dda unrated
Created 2005-11-17
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Very Very Puzzling' Thumbnail of the map 'Sky Scraper' Thumbnail of the map 'Frogger All Over' Thumbnail of the map 'FreeFall' Thumbnail of the map 'Something' Thumbnail of the map 'Open The Door'
Very Very Puzzling Sky Scraper Frogger All Over FreeFall Something Open The Door


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I beat that lame DDA in less than half the time it normally goes. Watch my replay data and it will prove my point. For it to work, GO to edit mode and paste this into the demo box and press 3. Then press Q. Then press P
Demo Data


Once N gets to the lauch pad at the very top he disappears, the snipers lose aiming and all the rockets blow up at the top left corner of the screen


Once N gets to the lauch pad at the very top he disappears, the snipers lose aiming and all the rockets blow up at the top left corner of the screen