This is My Floor

Thumbnail of the map 'This is My Floor'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author SkyRay
Tags author:skyray rated
Created 2009-11-16
Last Modified 2009-11-16
by 11 people.
Map Data

Description 30mm

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Trust' Thumbnail of the map 'the most incredible map i have ever made' Thumbnail of the map 'Breakdown' Thumbnail of the map 'The Scene Aesthetic' Thumbnail of the map 'Anchor Balloons' Thumbnail of the map 'Eleafant'
Trust the most incredible map i have ever made Breakdown The Scene Aesthetic Anchor Balloons Eleafant


Pages: (0)




Demo Data


I love this. faved.


keep the 5 streak going


was a very sexy map. I love the tiles, they were bonerific. the game play was excellent, the drones in this map were the best use of drones i have seen since... idk around the 170000 map range. the bounce blocks were probably my favorite part, because the mixture of the blocks and the drone were awesome. this is my favorite map in forever!!! 436t3149825y980347aved

this is how drones are meant to be used
Demo Data


really really cool. it has a great atmosphere, i especially like the oneway+bounceblock bit. faved
Demo Data