I'm Blue

Thumbnail of the map 'I'm Blue'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author BluePretzel
Tags author:bluepretzel avatar blue pretzel rated song unplayable
Created 2009-11-12
Last Modified 2009-11-12
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description Inside and Outside

Blue is his house

With a blue little window

And a blue Corvette

And everything is blue

For him and hisself

And everybody around

‘Cos he ‘aint got nobody to listen…

I’m blue

If I was green I would die

I’m in need of a pie

I will pee on a guy

Hobbit ‘green apple’ dye

I’m diseased, I must die

I believe I can fly

Da ba dee da ba die

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '4) Doubloons!' Thumbnail of the map 'Repairing the Rails' Thumbnail of the map 'A Tribute to my Laptop' Thumbnail of the map 'MiXed -Crisis-' Thumbnail of the map 'AOE III' Thumbnail of the map 'Columns of the Empires'
4) Doubloons! Repairing the Rails A Tribute to my Laptop MiXed -Crisis- AOE III Columns of the Empires


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i think i did that cuz it was the first element


but I changed it
I remember it when you showed me NUMA

check out

my 50th map!!!


done liked it a lot

Clever map dude. i like it. 4.5 ^rounded up(^)


Not BY Alex@-@, he just showed them to me, krashio

That should take you where you need to go ;D


Cred to Eifel 95 for the lyrics.


to Alex@-@ for the lyrics :)