Heavenly Hash

Thumbnail of the map 'Heavenly Hash'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Awesome67
Tags author:awesome67 hash heavenly mmmm puzzlejumperthing tasty unrated
Created 2009-11-11
Last Modified 2009-11-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Mmmm...

Fastest AGD gets a ded.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Where The River Ends And The Gold Floweth Forth' Thumbnail of the map 'Exfiltration' Thumbnail of the map 'That's What Happens When You Rush Things...' Thumbnail of the map 'Alien Chapstick' Thumbnail of the map 'Ziggurat Dream' Thumbnail of the map 'GUYZ I NEEDZ HELP ON THE FORUMS!!!'
Where The River Ends And The Gold Floweth Forth Exfiltration That's What Happens When You Rush Things... Alien Chapstick Ziggurat Dream GUYZ I NEEDZ HELP ON THE FORUMS!!!


Pages: (0)

why thank you

think it's time to do...


Espionage is ok... post me the link please


google translate is not that good... sometimes your sentences are nonsens :D grammar is bad :P
thanks for 5*




why do you change sniper position? exactly the position given by me is harder than yours... and it's gettable. don't know what to do - ok, changed sniperposition
you can submit it, if you want to. and the name? something including "gold" maybe?

ok, great tileset

ehm i can't paste data here, cause its too big :P limited letternumber 2500... what to do now?
in two pices - tiles:


hope you will not die :D and "gute besserung"
i don't mind... stard when you want to but i'd like to finish the collab end next week
how often do you come on here? i'm every day there

no problem

did you start yet? and if not what typ of game we shold do? all gold or race or doors or what?

ok ;)

start with the tiles - my forum name is the same like here
good luck


you want to make a collab? great! do you want tu make the tiles or enemys? and should it be a N Reality mod map?

do you have played

all my mod maps? xD and whats up with a collab?
ofcours german like me can make maps :D

i dont think

my last one was good either :(



is i've been though most of your maps and i know you can do a lot better if you put your mind to it. try a furry map style or ZTHING or any other amazing author.

tHANK You bOTH For tHE Constructive cRITICISM.


The laser+floorguard combo didn't work well, to open imo, the gausses provided little challenge, and the tiles were bland. Sorry, but this is a 2.
Demo Data


were very ugly sorry didnt really see the point in most items 3/5 :(