Thwump Jumping

Thumbnail of the map 'Thwump Jumping'

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Author the_puzzler
Tags author:the_puzzler easy unrated
Created 2009-10-30
Last Modified 2009-10-30
Map Data

Description Hey guys,
I made this map with no theme in mind, I just enjoy climbing the thwumps. Anyways, I disabled ratings, 'cause I know the map is sucky, I just thought you guys might like to climb the thwumps too.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'MINE(s)!!' Thumbnail of the map 'SURPRISE!!' Thumbnail of the map 'Devil's Tail' Thumbnail of the map 'Jagged Peak' Thumbnail of the map '8 Reasons to Hate the_puzzler' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalactites'
MINE(s)!! SURPRISE!! Devil's Tail Jagged Peak 8 Reasons to Hate the_puzzler Stalactites


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agd = all gold demo (collecting all the gold in a map)
dda = don't do anything
kra = keep the rocket alive
fbf = frame by frame
ded = dedication to someone

All Gold Demo

getting every single piece of gold in the map
but what's an AGD? I hear that term all the time but I don't know what it means. I'm still learning lol.

really not too bad

except those 3 central gold pieces make an AGD really annoying


I figured people would think that. Oh well, thanks for the feedback!

Cool visual effect

but too repetive.