city in the sky

Thumbnail of the map 'city in the sky'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author el_devo
Tags action author:el_devo gauss playable rated
Created 2009-10-30
Last Modified 2009-10-30
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description DED to im_bad_at_n for the fastest agd on my last map

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'the e-tiles' Thumbnail of the map 'scribbles on the paper' Thumbnail of the map 'lifeline' Thumbnail of the map 'Confined' Thumbnail of the map 'area 15' Thumbnail of the map 'land of the three suns'
the e-tiles scribbles on the paper lifeline Confined area 15 land of the three suns


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ya sure

ill do a collab,

Demo Data

awesome =D

very cool map, thanks for the ded ^^
Demo Data

The maps are suspiciously similar.

dang i hadnt even seen that map...

almost agd

reminds me of this map []

Very fun. Liked the gausses. 4/5
Demo Data