Comments on "Dedication to a beautiful soul; Kelsey M"
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We appreciate them greatly.
I really do hope they get better soon. IM glad Tay is okay but im sorry about KElsey =(.
that sucks man
hope u guys get better :P
That is terrible to hear
i feel for u :(
I really hope things begin to pick up and i wish you and everyone else related to the story the best.
P.S. i think this map deserves a 5 as common sense and respect for Kelsey
I really hope things begin to pick up and i wish you and everyone else related to the story the best.
P.S. i think this map deserves a 5 as common sense and respect for Kelsey
Leaff said it
Tough luck, bro. You have my best wishes, also.
I'm so sorry for your loss
I hope Taylor realized that it's not her fault and I hope Aubrey gets better soon. And yes, they'll be in our hearts.
I hope they all recover soon.
They'll be in our hearts.
Sorry to hear that, Kool