Modmaster 1.4 Map

Thumbnail of the map 'Modmaster 1.4 Map'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author xXSc3n1cXx
Tags author:xxsc3n1cxx boring firstmapformodtools1.4 nreality survival unrated
Created 2009-10-23
Last Modified 2009-10-28
Map Data

Description Requires nReality [] to play.
As far as I know, this is the first map to be made using ModMaster 1.4 []. It sucks, but now science i know how to code things for nReality, i'll be making more of those.

Other maps by this author

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2-2 Hotel California 2-2 Hotel California 2.0 For All Your Speedrunning Needs, One Pissed Off Cricket 2-3 The Enhancer 1 Single Enemy


Pages: (0)

1. Download

2. Open the program

3. Open N program

4. Load JUST your tiles into Ned

5. Make N fullscreen and take a screenshot (press the printscreen button on your keyboard)

6. Paste the screenshot into (it will ask you to expand the canvas, click "keep canvas size")

7. Click the magic wand tool and set it to 0% tolerance

8. Use the magic wand and click the dark grey part of the tiles (the dark grey background will turn blue)

9. Look at the top menu bar and click the Image button and then click Crop (the LIGHT grey part should now be checker-patterned)

10. Click the dark grey part AGAIN with the wand and this time, click Image and then click Resize. Resize it to 792 x 600

That's it. From step 10 you can paint the dark grey tiles any color to change the foreground image. ALWAYS save the image as a PNG file, never JPEG because JPEG doesn't support transparencies. Then, just upload your image at a place like tinypic and your good to go.

If you need any extra help with image mapping, please refer to this very helpful tutorial.

Sorry for the long comment, but I hope I helped.

It's fun

When both drones bounce you around. lol

Modmaster >:[

Modmaster >:[ Modmaster >:[ Modmaster >:[ Modmaster >:[ Modmaster >:[ Modmaster >:[


srry bout the caps, i had it in debug mode.
Demo Data


if you notice the triangles, when you load the map, load it in debug mode.


the drones arnt in there. lemme fix that.


the drones arnt in there. lemme fix that.

edited the

description to add a hyperlink to the modtools download