blood red throne

Thumbnail of the map 'blood red throne'

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Author RadiumFalcon
Tags action author:radiumfalcon hard losttortuga rated
Created 2009-10-18
Last Modified 2009-10-18
by 25 people.
Map Data

Description watch it burn

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '¡Viva La Gloria!' Thumbnail of the map 'process zero' Thumbnail of the map 'pray for villains I' Thumbnail of the map 'pray for villians II' Thumbnail of the map 'optimal' Thumbnail of the map 'Superstructure D'
¡Viva La Gloria! process zero pray for villains I pray for villians II optimal Superstructure D


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Doesn't even begin to describe it.

that isn't an attack on your mapping abilities; I just hate this particular map.

thanks for the comment rf, means a lot
also, if believe this is worth 1/5, then you are suggesting that this map is "very poor", which is reasonably below the average NUMA submission. This is /not/ reasonably below the quality of an average NUMA submission.
also, I've beaten the game, so I think I'm a competent n player to play any map of reasonable difficulty. And yes, -1 because it's not as difficult to make a map when the tiles and format are already laid out for you :/

pure rf awesomeness

there is nothing more to say
Maxson hit on most of what I was thinkin'.
also? -1 for tiles not being mine?

i don't even know how to respond to that.
if a minejumper was flowy then it would be a race, and not a minejumper.


1/5? that's some bullshit right there buddy. the map had some awkward moments, but that is how mine-jumpers are.
to say 'the /entire/ map was awkward' is completely ridiculous. maybe you just weren't good enough?
sorry you didn't like it.
The entire map is awkward and tedious, and some areas (such as the bottom-left) didn't feel rewarding enough to compensate for the difficulty. I didn't even like the tiles very much :x 2/5, -1 because the tiles weren't yours; so 1/5. Sorry dude D:

5 XD


Cool map.

My other map was inspired by this!

I lurrrrrrrrve this map.

That is all.
although I have to agree with Losttortuga to some extent. especially, the left side of that map, where the player is required to really be careful about their movements and jumps, which contrasts the sort of hurry-up-and-jump-outta-the-way-before-you-get-shot gameplay of the middle area. For the most part, however, your object placement nicely suited the post-apocalyptic/gloomy-steampunk feel of Ltt's tileset. Although that one gold cluster in the bottom left corner kinda baffles me in its purpose, compared to the overall distribution of gold in refernce to other objects in the map. I think you did a pretty marvelous job with this map, because frankly adding your own ideas and concepts upon someone else's work isn't that easy. And you certainly have a knack for mapmaking, just that sometimes you can be too consistent for your own good and end up making maps that seem identical to the previous maps you have created. I wouldn't be surpirsed if this map was awarded you a Dronie, never mind being nominated for one. Nice work
that jump messed me up
Demo Data
because of the abundance in mines
Demo Data

So good.

It's all cramped and precise, it just gets kinda overwhelming. I saw my tiles as floaty and free, and as much as I like seeing how people use my tiles, it just wasn't my kind of thing. Also you killed the secret bird on his pretty little perch ;__;

I missed RF's maps, that's all.

cool stuff.

I don't know what the hell Viil is sm... talking about, but hey. 4.


awesome - 5/5

Shit is epic

I can't do it right now, but I will. I love the mine-jumperish portions up the left and right sides. And, you know, the rest too.

one of your best maps ever- hell yes.


just completion
Demo Data
i cant do the left side =P


this is one of my best maps ever.
Demo Data
i took out some mines, it should be easier now.
also, thanks for the comments folks. be sure to rate as well.

quite well done.

i like how you preserved key elements of your old style, but also produced an atmosphere as well.


i'll rate/play in a bit.
enjoy, friends
Demo Data

Finally, an RF map.