Shadows on the Hills,

Thumbnail of the map 'Shadows on the Hills,'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author hoohah2x2sday
Tags action author:hoohah2x2sday featured flowers hooha mines playable rated
Created 2009-10-18
Last Modified 2009-10-18
by 15 people.
Map Data

Description Sketch the Trees and Daffodils

This map was featured on 2011-02-08

I asked my mother one autumn day
For entertainment's way
--She said
Sketch the trees and daffodils
Follow the butterflies to far places
Open your mind to flights of fancy
--Why? asked I
Spread your wings and fly
(Said she)
Perhaps the cool, shadowed hills,
Are where you are meant to be

So, I did: — flagmyidol

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Kotov Syndrome' Thumbnail of the map 'Elective Amnesia' Thumbnail of the map 'Sub-Terranean Shelter' Thumbnail of the map 'The Dirt Whispered' Thumbnail of the map 'Seige Tower' Thumbnail of the map 'Law Abiding Citizen'
Kotov Syndrome Elective Amnesia Sub-Terranean Shelter The Dirt Whispered Seige Tower Law Abiding Citizen


Pages: (0)

and speed.
Demo Data

Demo Data


This map has several weak-spots in gameplay. Hoohah has better maps. 3

this looks like

an atob map
assuming his reviews would be anything like his maps ^^
Demo Data

like walking over a meadow

you should be a reviewer


Relaxing, like walking over a meadow. I like.

Graet review, and

really nice tiles :]


That's one flowerbed of frustration.
Demo Data
(slow) completion
Demo Data

In my opinion,

hoohah in his early days (well before this map) was one of the most overrated authors on NUMA. Then he had a huge breakthrough and became one of the best authors in N history. /my two cents

Needless to say, I very much like this feature.

Decent AGD

not a huge fan of the tiles but the gameplay is solid.

nice review/feature
Demo Data

Sorry nevershine, blame Life the Usurper.

Beautiful review.

Great map too.

Love the tiles :D

Demo Data

Have a faster AGD, wholly at random!
Demo Data


thanks :)

Slow AGD.

5aved on it's own, regardless of the magic triangles. Wow.
Demo Data

Faved. Great tiles although there was something about it that just wasn't as good as your other maps. I don't know. Nevermind, still an awesome map.

Love the tiles :D

Demo Data